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Writer's pictureWitch of the Woods

Boosting your Productivity

Even with all the many advances in technology that contribute to making our lives easier than our ancestors had it hundreds of years ago- we live in a society were we tend to go, go go and never have time to relax and rejuvenate.

My batteries are ALWAYS drained, and more and more I feel like a hamster on a wheel spinning and spinning in circles but going no where and achieving NOTHING. Just one rat in the big race of life that no matter how much I run - it's like jogging on a tread mill. At the end I'm exhausted, I haven't budged at all, and worse- I haven't lost a pound! If anything I've gained three!

There can be many different reasons for lack of motivation- of course just being lazy is one! Sure- I admit most days I'm guilty of just that. Sheer laziness. But I try to push through it knowing I have stuff I NEED to accomplish in a certain amount of time. There's always that "deadline" that has to be met, always housework that needs to be done because no one else will do it, meals that need to be prepared- being a parent there are NO days off. Even when your dragging your feet because your sick, there is always going to be something that needs your attention.

Here are some tricks I use when I feel myself getting off track.

  • Try drinking tea. Sometimes instead of turning to coffee for that caffeine kick I drink a combo of Yerba Mate and Green Tea. Both are healthier for you and don't have the crash you can get after the coffee runs out.

Not a fan of Teas? Add some flavor to it. I add some basic Lipton Ice Tea Mix to my boosting Yerba Mate and Green Tea blend and drink it cold. Sometimes I'll add some frozen fruit like strawberries for flavor. Believe me it helps.

You can also try Black Tea and or Ginger Tea to help boost your energy and productivity. Ginger- even cold is WAY too spicy for my taste personally but if you like spicy you should give it a try. Ginger is also good for colds- especially respiratory related ones if you can handle it. If your feeling sluggish because of a chest cold and don't mind the heat try a cup of hot or cold ginger tea with a little honey in it.

  • Crystals- Citrine, Mookaite Jasper and Blue Goldstone are some gems that can help amp up your vibrations. Wearing one on your person would be the best way to get the most of these crystals "productive boosting properties" But you can also keep some in the place your working or at home. Keep one in your gym bag- keep one near-by while your trying to get through your household tasks for that little extra boost.

  • Aromatherapy- Certain smells can trigger different responses from the human brain. Try a blend of orange (sweet orange, orange blossom, blood orange- doesn't matter), eucalyptus and cinnamon. You don't have to use the most expensive 100% percent therapeutic essential oils either- the cheaper fragrances work just fine for this. I've bought my oils from for years- and though I'm pretty sure they aren't "pure" they work great. I've used their oils a lot over several years to make my own perfume blends. Just mix a few drops of each oil into a diffuser, or onto a crystal, piece of jewelry, your just add a dab of each to your skin like you would perfume. A dab or two on the wrist or neck- that's it. Reapply a few times if you want to.

  • Sigils- I am BIG on using Sigils. I use them all the time. I draw protection sigils on my walls, around my windows and doors- I draw them on myself like temporary tattoos, you name it. I use them A LOT. Using a non toxic marker (fine tip works best) draw some sigils for productivity and motivation on your arm, leg, where ever. If it fades that usually implies that magick of the sigil has been spent, you can reapply it or just wash the rest off. The image above has samples of productivity sigils I use. You can also find a large selection to choose from on Pinterest. I find sigils on Pinterest ALOT.

If you have a big day coming up and your not feeling 100%, you can try working a spell to boost your productivity. You may want to do this at least 24 hours ahead.

What you'll need:

1 yellow and or 1 orange candle.

A toothpick or something small and sharp enough to carve into the candles with.

Productivity Oil Blend (orange, eucalyptus and cinnamon a few drops of each)

A lighter or match to light your candles and a fire proof container to hold your candles.

Citrine, Mookaite Jasper and Blue Goldston (Optional)

Carve sigils into the candles for productivity. You can use the sigils in the image above or find and use your own. Carve your name (full name works best)

Anoint a few drops of the Productivity oil to your candles.

Hold the candle with bottom toward you and the top pointing away from you.

Rub a few drops of the oil blend onto your candle and rub downward toward the bottom of the candle and toward you. This brings your intentions to you- which is motivation and productivity.

Make sure your candle is in a safe container or holder, light it and chant

"All obstacles that stand in my way shall dissipate,

I will achieve my goals and I won't be late.

I will have the energy to do all I need and more,

And not tire out before I finish each chore."

If you have a citrine, a mookaite jasper or blue goldstone that you want to use for this spell you can pass it through the smoke of the candle, or even add a drop of wax to it and keep it with you. Let the candle(s) die out safely visualizing your intentions coming to pass.

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