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      Welcome dearest reader to my humble blog. I'm pretty new to blogging, and shamefully I must admit that my grammar is HORRIBLE. That said- I have homeschooled my children since day one, surprisingly I manage to successfully get them through the common core requirements of English. Please bare with me however and don't judge too harshly. We're all human after all right? Mistakes are what we do, we screw up, we stumble through life constantly picking ourselves back up and continue going forward constantly learning and evolving as we go. If you come back often enough you'll soon realize despite it all, I tend to thrive in my many imperfections. 

      Starting this blog is kind of a big stepping stone for me where as I am a HUGE introvert by nature. I tend to have major social anxiety and my inner circle is exceedingly small. I'd rather be alone than surrounded by "fake friends". Does that make me crazy? Probably- but I'm okay with that. ;) 

      I'm the kind of person with a lot to say but rarely gets the opportunity to be heard- and during those rare moments where I do have the spotlight what do I do?  I shy away from it like a vampire afraid of sunlight!

      That is why I have created this- a space to set my whispers free. 


                                                               )0( The Witch of the Woods )0( 

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